
Comptometer M

Wartime Comptometer, which was one of my first machines. I was still at the stage where I didn't quite know what I wanted to collect, and since Comptometers caused a revolution in calculation, I wanted to see what the fuss was all about when I came across this one. They are of course great instruments in their own right, and the number of refinements incorporated in the mechanism by the time this machine came along is simply staggering. Still, that doesn't mean they are an actual four function calculator, nor does it mean I have to like them. It now sits a bit forlorn at the back of a shelf in one of the cabinets, gathering dust until a true afficcionado comes along - possibly in a hundred or so years.

Comptometer M picture 1

Comptometer M picture 1

Comptometer M picture 1

Comptometer M picture 1

Told you it was dusty ...serial number!:

Comptometer M picture 1