BRUNSVIGA - Gehirn von Stahl. Display cabinet 5 in Room 1
Picture of a BRUNSVIGA-billboard
1922/23BRUNSVIGA general distributor L. Neumann in Paris. Since the turn of the century, the “artsy advertising” had concentrated specifically on the area of billboards.
Model of the BRUNSVIGA MS
1920 Reversible hand-operated four-species machine with pinwheels for English currency according to DRP 414 403This is a pre-series model of the BRUNSVIGA MS. It has an ink ribbon carry-through and parts of the paper switching mechanism.
1924 s/n 32377 Reversible hand-operated four-species machine with pinwheels for English currency according to DRP 387 605, 416 040, 408 459The MS is very similar to the BRUNSVIGA S (Arithmotyp) of 1908. It does not have, however, a backtransfer mechanism. A company-internal list indicates that between 1924 and 1925, only 4 MS were delivered. Such statements must however be regarded critically.
1922“Testimonials of experts and those from your branch of trade”. Title page of a collection of letters of recommendation for the TRINKS-BRUNSVIGA.
1922 s/n 46431, Four-species machine according to DRP 277 822The MR is not the miniature version of the BRUNSVIGA R, which was built only in very limited numbers. About 3400 MR machines were built. The wooden cover was meant to protect the machine from e.g. dust.
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