BRUNSVIGA - Gehirn von Stahl. Display cabinet 3 in Room 1
“Rechner! Warum nicht ein Gehirn von Stahl gebrauchen, welches nie ermüdet?”
1909Prospectus of the head-distributor for Switzerland, Siegfried Deutsch. The machines presented are arranged according to long or short setting levers, here named “Handhaben” (“handles”)
“You who calculate! Why not use Brains of Steel which never tire?”
1909On the front here also is pictured the Gauss-head, drawn according to the Brunswick monument for the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss.
1910, s/n 16411 Reversible hand-operated four-species machine with pinwheels with non-moving setting levers and backtransfer according to DRP 231 695Through the backtransfer mechanism, a value from the result register can be transferred to the setting register. From 1910 to 1915, about 140 machines of this type were manufactured, the price was 760,- M.
1907 s/n 10901 Reversible hand-operated four-species machine with pinwheelsThe BRUNSVIGA F has two 13-digit result registers on top of each other in the carriage. Of the model F, reportedly only three machines would have been made.
1906, s/n 9118 Reversible hand-operated four-species machine with pinwheelsThe first BRUNSVIGA Bdi was delivered in August 1906. The machine has a mechanism for quick resetting of a cleared number. In the upper setting register, an often returning number can be set with the help of the screws. A more elaborate communication about this model can be found in the magazine “Informationen und Berichte 1-4/2006” of the Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum.
1905, s/n 7700 Reversible hand-operated four-species machine with pinwheelsSimilar to model B, but with a larger number of digits. Of the type D, from 1905 to 1912, only about 40 machines were manufactured. The price at the time was 1005,- M.
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