BRUNSVIGA - Gehirn von Stahl. Display cabinet 1 in Room 1
Prospectus of BRUNSVIGA distributor Ernst Schuster
1899/1900, XXXVIII series -
The BRUNSVIGA machine shown has the hand-logo of Schuster, instead of the firm logo. Schuster later produced his own calculators of the brand BEROLINA. In 1900, this led to the end of the relations with GNC, in 1904, an agreement was reached between the two parties.
Prospectus of BRUNSVIGA distributor Bodeslaus Benas
Benas became head-distributor after this role was taken away from Ernst Schuster. As Schuster before him, Benas kept using the "hand" logo with his name inside. In 1912, Benas was bought away by the competing firm "Triumphator".
Manual for the use of the converter
The manual explains how by "a single turn of the crank" fractions of English pounds can be converted to shillings, pence and farthings. In the image, the converter is mounted on a BRUNSVIGA calculator
Look-up table calculating aid for conversion
The converter consists of a turning cylinder, which serves to convert English currency and measures, e.g. pounds sterling to shillings, pennies and farthings, or various weights. It can be mounted on a calculator, or used separately.
Shop-window display of a Brunsviga J
ca. 1912 (?)
1893 - s/n 633 Hand operated reversible four-species pinwheel calculator.
Very early BRUNSVIGA-machine, not yet equipped with any safeties. From 1894 on, this model would be named B. Purchase price in 1892: 150,- Mark 1902: 400,- Mark.
1899 - s/n 3259. Hand-operated reversible four-species pinwheel calculator.
With larger capacity than the Brunsviga B. If the result goes negative, or exceeds the capacity of the result register, a warning bell sounds. From 1894 to ca. 1920, about 3650 Brunsviga A were built.
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